Wheatgrass Shots: Bottoms Up!


Wheatgrass Shots Are Here to Stay

Wheatgrass is by no means a new phenomenon, the potent plant has been referenced by
Jesus in ancient religous manuscripts (Essene Gospel of Peace, Book Four).  Today you can find it fresh, frozen, and even in powder form at many local juice bars and health food grocery stores across the country. So, what is it about this grass that has everyone downing shots?

Why is Wheatgrass So Good for You?

Wheatgrass can be considered a natural super food because of its tremendous nutritional properties. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B-3 (niacin), vitamin B-6, vitamin B-5, vitamin B-2, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It also contains iron, calcium, magnesium and 17 different amino acids.

What Health Conditions Can Wheatgrass Help Treat?

Wheatgrass is known as an extremely effective healer for several chronic and short term health conditions. The plant is rich in chlorophyll, which is considered to be a plant’s blood. In 1913, German Scientist, Dr. Richard Willstatter, found that chlorophyll closely resembles hemoglobin in human blood. Chlorophyll, similar to iron, has been shown to increase oxygen uptake in the blood which is vital for overall health and a strong immune system. Individuals have touted the many benefits of Wheatgrass for years. Below are some of the many benefits wheatgrass offers:

  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Removes toxins from the liver and blood
  • Increases the production of hemoglobin and fights anemia
  • Improves wound healing
  • Helps to prevent and treat bacterial infections
  • Improves respiratory symptoms related to colds, coughs, and bronchitis
  • Improves digestion
  • Prevents tooth decay
  • Can reduce gray hair
  • Cures a hangover
  • Can help reduce myelotoxicity in cancer patients undergoing treatment

How is Wheatgrass Consumed?

Wheatgrass can be eaten, but most people prefer to consume the juice as the leaves are fibrous and hard to digest. All it takes is just ONE ounce of wheatgrass juice to reap all of its glorious benefits! One ounce of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to TWO WHOLE POUNDS of produce. It should be noted that to get the most benefit out of the juice it must be consumed shortly after juicing, if not immediately. It is optimal to take the shot on an empty stomach in order to soak in all of the nutrients.

Where Can I Get Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass juice must be extracted, therefore you cannot mix it up in a blender and expect to get the same results. You can grow it in your own home, but many local juice bars grow fresh wheatgrass and offer it as shots. Additionally, there are some frozen brands out there which have been flash frozen to protect as many nutrients as possible. The last option is a powder form of wheatgrass, but in order to get the most out of the plant you will want to consume it fresh if possible. Wheatgrass shots sell anywhere from $2 to $5 and that is for a one or two ounce serving.

The Effects of Wheatgrass on My Health

Since introducing wheatgrass into my diet five months ago I have seen amazing changes in my health and well-being. I was struck with a horrible case of pleurisy after a bad viral chest infection, and that is when I decided to give wheatgrass a try. I had previously tried several prescription, over-the-counter anti inflammatories, and steroid medications with no luck. I started consuming a shot of wheatgrass a day and the ailment was gone in about a week. I had tried for months to find a cure, but adding this simple plant to my diet gave my body the boost it really needed.

Additionally, after giving birth to my son I suffered from severe anemia, my iron levels were down to 7.5 at the lowest point. Since consuming wheatgrass shots for five months my hemoglobin level is now at an amazing 14.5!

Wheatgrass Can Improve Cholesterol

After pregnancy my cholesterol was also a little higher than I would like it, even though I was on an organic, plant-based diet for the majority of the time. After consuming wheatgrass my LDL cholesterol levels dropped 30 points and my HDL went up 16 points, tremendously improving my overall score.

Fight a Hangover With a Shot

Lastly, from personal experience a one ounce wheatgrass shot can completely prevent and cure a hangover if you consume more alcohol than you would like to on a certain night. When you are hungover it is because your body is not only dehydrated, but also depleted of vital nutrients.  So next time you are at a wedding or your buddies’ 30th birthday bash, when you want to grab a coffee in the morning, throw one of these back instead!


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